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Simulating Changes in Hydrological Extremes—Future Scenarios for Morocco

  • Laura Giustarini
  • Albert J. Kettner
  • Andrew Smith
  • Raphael Nawrotzki

This paper presents a comprehensive river discharge analysis to estimate past and future hydrological extremes across Morocco. Hydrological simulations with historical forcing and climate change scenario inputs have been performed to better understand the change in magnitude and frequency of extreme discharge events that cause flooding. Simulations are applied to all major rivers of Morocco, including a total of 16 basins that cover the majority of the country. An ensemble of temperature and precipitation input parameter sets was generated to analyze input uncertainty, an approach that can be extended to other regions of the world, including data-sparse regions. Parameter uncertainty was also included in the analyses. Historical simulations comprise the period 1979–2021, while future simulations (2015–2100) were performed under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) 2–4.5 and SSP5–8.5. Clear patterns of changing flood extremes are projected; these changes are significant when considered as a proportion of the land area of the country. Two types of basins have been identified, based on their different behavior in climate change scenarios. In the Northern/Mediterranean basins we observe a decrease in the frequency and intensity of events by 2050 under both SSPs, whereas for the remaining catchments higher and more frequent high-flow events in the form of flash floods are detected. Our analysis revealed that this is a consequence of the reduction in rainfall accumulation and intensity in both SSPs for the first type of basins, while the opposite applies to the other type. More generally, we propose a methodology that does not rely on observed time series of discharge, so especially for regions where those do not exist or are not available, and that can be applied to undertake future flood projections in the most data-scarce regions. This method allows future hydrological hazards to be estimated for essentially any region of the world.

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Bibliographische Angaben

  • Giustarini, L.; Schumann, G.J.-P.; Kettner, A.J.; Smith, A.; Nawrotzki, R. Simulating Changes in Hydrological Extremes—Future Scenarios for Morocco. Water 2023, 15, 2722.
Umwelt und Klima Externe Publikationen

Human Rights in German Development Policy. Part 2: Implementation and Effectiveness of the Human Rights-Based Approach in the Area of Action "Private Sector and Financial System Development"

  • Dr. Jan Tobias Polak
  • Dr. Angela Heucher
  • Lea Smidt
  • Lena Taube

Human rights are a "guiding principle" and "quality criterion" of the work of Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This strategy is based on a human rights-based approach (HRBA) that has been comprehensively assessed for the first time in this evaluation. The second part of the evaluation looks at the mainstreaming of human rights standards and principles in bilateral projects of German development cooperation and at the effectiveness of these efforts in partner countries in terms of human rights.

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Bibliographische Angaben

  • Polak, J.T., A. Heucher, L. Smidt and L. Taube (2022), Human Rights in German Development Policy Part 2: Implementation and effectiveness of the human rights-based approach in the area of intervention ‘Private sector and financial system development’, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
Instrumente und Strukturen der EZ Menschenrechte und Governance Überregional Berichte

Unter erschwerten Bedingungen. Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in fragilen Staaten

  • Prof. Dr. Jörg Faust
  • Dr. Alexander Kocks
  • Dr. Thomas Wencker

Fragile Staaten gelten als der anspruchsvollste Kontext für eine wirksame und nachhaltige Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (EZ). Vor diesem Hintergrund fasst dieser Themenschwerpunktbericht wesentliche Erkenntnisse DEval´s Evaluierungsarbeit zusammen, ergänzt um Beiträge von renommierten Entscheidungstragenden und Expert*innen aus Wissenschaft, Politik und Implementierungspraxis. Wir hoffen, dass diese Erkenntnisse und Erfahrungen von Nützlichkeit sind und einen Beitrag zu Verbesserungen in unserem Politikfeld leisten werden.

Bibliographische Angaben

  • Faust, J., A. Kocks, T. Wencker (Hrsg.) (2023), Unter erschwerten Bedingungen. Entwicklungszusammenarbeit in fragilen Staaten, Themenschwerpunktbericht, Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (DEval), Bonn
Fragilität und Konflikt Berichte

The Promotion of Sustainable Supply Chains through German Development Cooperation based on the Example of the Textile Sector

  • Dr. Angela Heucher
  • Judith Ihl
  • Michèle Kiefer
  • Dr Marcus Kaplan
  • Steffen Schimko
  • Dr Kathrin Wolf

German development cooperation is pursuing the objective of reducing negative social and environmental effects in global (textile) supply chains and thus, in the long term, contributing to designing them more sustainably. This evaluation examines, in particular, the interaction between various development cooperation instruments and measures to promote sustainable global supply chains in the textile sector.

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Bibliographische Angaben

  • Heucher, A., J. Ihl, M. Kiefer, M. Kaplan, S. Schimko and K. Wolf (2023), The Promotion of Sustainable Supply Chains through German Development Cooperation Based on the Example of the Textile Sector, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
 Barrierefrei Instrumente und Strukturen der EZ Menschenrechte und Governance Zusammenarbeit mit der Privatwirtschaft Asien Berichte

Policy Brief: Attitudes towards Development Policy in the Context of the War against Ukraine

  • Dr. Helge Zille
  • Dr. Alexandra Gödderz
  • Dr. Sebastian H. Schneider
  • Dr. Martin Bruder

Russia launched its war of aggression against Ukraine in February 2022. Global prices for energy and foodstuffs rose in part dramatically. Against this backdrop, the German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval) has explored three questions based on a representative
survey conducted by the Development Engagement Lab (DEL) in October 2022:
1. How does public perception of the state of the German economy correlate with approval for DC?
2. What attitudes do people have towards various development policy measures in response to the war against Ukraine?
3. How does agreement to such measures differ according to individualsʼ political orientation and assessment of the general state of the economy, and their own, personal economic situation and income?

Bibliographische Angaben

  • Zille, H., A. Gödderz, S. H. Schneider and M. Bruder (2023), Attitudes towards Development Policy in the Context of the War against Ukraine, DEval Policy Brief 9/2023, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
 Barrierefrei Instrumente und Strukturen der EZ Fragilität und Konflikt Deutschland Policy Briefs
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