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Ihre Suche ergab 1 Treffer.

Limited Use of Evaluative Evidence in Public Policy, Planning and Voluntary National Review (VNR) Development. Recommendations for Governments, Evaluation Communities and ECD Stakeholders (2023)

  • Dr. Ayabulela Dlakavu
  • Dirk Hoffmann

This Policy Brief is a succinct summary of findings from a recently completed research study on the role of evaluations in the development of country voluntary national review reports (DEval, CLEAR-AA and CLEAR-LAC. 2022. “VNRs and SDG evaluations in Anglophone Africa and Latin America: A mapping of common challenges and emerging good practices”. German Institute for Development Evaluation, Bonn. The policy brief proffers recommendations on how to create an enabling environment for a greater role of evaluation reports and evidence in VNR development.

Bibliographische Angaben

  • Dlakavu, A. and D. Hoffmann (2023), Limited Use of Evaluative Evidence in Public Policy, Planning and Voluntary National Review (VNR) Development. Recommendations for Governments, Evaluation Communities and ECD Stakeholders
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