• Online on Zoom

Human Rights and Gender Equality in Evaluation: A New Guidance for a Rights-based Lens on the OECD Evaluation Criteria

This event will combine an international virtual seminar to launch new guidance on using the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria with a human rights lens, and in-person discussion in Germany on the broader context of the role of evaluators in address issues of human rights and gender equality.

This event will be truly gLocal - combining an international virtual seminar to launch new guidance on using the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria with a human rights lens, and in-person discussion in Germany on the broader context of the role of evaluators in address issues of human rights and gender equality. The event will provide practical information on how to adapt evaluation questions to rights-based approaches, and touch on the broader debates that arise including questions about evaluators bringing their own agendas to the table, and how to create space for exploration of human rights effects when evaluating interventions that do not explicitly target rights.


  • Prof Dr Jörg Faust | DEval
  • Shravanti Reddy | Theory Action Group, previously UN WOMEN
  • Joseph Sewedo Akoro | JSA Consulting Group 
  • Daniel Jacobo Orea | Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
  • CSO - tbc
  • Dr Martin Bruder | DEval
  • Mayanka Vij | OECD


  • Megan Kennedy-Chouane | OECD
The official logo für the 40 years anniversary of the EvalNet DAC Network on Development Evaluation
The official Logo of DEval in English
The official Logo of the gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2023


To join the event, please register following the link below


Portrait Martin Bruder
© DEval

Dr. Martin Bruder

Abteilungsleiter: Zivilgesellschaft, Menschenrechte

+49 (0)228 336907-970

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Portrait Jörg Faust
© DEval

Prof. Dr. Jörg Faust


+49 (0)228 336907-902

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