The DEval Opinion Monitor 2022
The third phase of the DEval Opinion Monitor for Development Policy focuses on citizens’ engagement in development policy in Germany – in particular, donations to development policy organisations and sustainable consumption.
Citizens’ engagement in development policy can come in a wide range of forms – including not only activities related to information and communication (e.g. sharing information on social media), organisation-related engagement (e.g. volunteering) and political participation (e.g. taking part in demonstrations), but also donations to development policy organisations and sustainable consumption.
Governmental and civil-society development policy actors have an interest in promoting development policy engagement. To do so, however, they need a detailed picture of corresponding activities and opinions among the general public.
Against this backdrop, the Opinion Monitor for Development Policy 2022 is looking into the question as to what forms of engagement citizens use, how they change over time and what characteristics they correlate with (e.g. age and political orientation). The focus of the report is on a detailed analysis of donations to development policy organisations (e.g. amount, frequency) and investigating in more depth the public’s behaviour and attitudes in the area of sustainable consumption from a development policy viewpoint.
In addition, the Opinion Monitor 2022 offers a descriptive analysis of key development policy attitude indicators – following up on the Opinion Monitor for Development Policy 2018 and paying particular attention to attitudes regarding democracy and promoting democracy in the context of development cooperation.
Main Findings and Implications from Opinion Monitor 2022
The report draws on various data sources representative of the population. As in previous reports, these sources comprise survey data from the Aid Attitude Tracker (AAT; 2012-2018) and its follow-on project Development Engagement Lab (DEL; starting in 2019), own surveys fielded by the opinion research institute Respondi (2021), and, for analysing behaviour regarding donations to development policy organisations, data from the Growth from Knowledge (GfK) Charity Panel (2005–2020). The focus analysis on sustainable consumption additionally draws on qualitative focus group discussions.
- Dr Sebastian H. Schneider Evaluator - Team Leader
- Jens Eger Evaluator
- Nora Sassenhagen Former Evaluator
Dr Sebastian H. Schneider
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-977
Dr Martin Bruder
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-970
The Different Modules of the Opinion Monitor
Policy Briefs
- Attitudes towards Development Policy in the Context of the War against Ukraine
- What does the Population Think? Results of a Representative Survey
- Sustainable Consumption in the Face of Global Challenges: Opportunities and Obstacles
- COVID-19: The General Public's Attitudes towards Development Policy Measures and Vaccine Distribution
- Reporting on Development Policy During the Coronavirus Pandemic
- The Public's Expectations of Development Policy
- Public Opinion on International Solidarity in the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Public Opinion of the 2030 Agenda
- German Development Policy in the Eyes of the General Public - Opinion Monitor for Development Policy 2018