© DEval

Institutional Culture

Working at DEval

The majority of our employees work as evaluators in small teams. They work in one of four Evaluation Departments and in the Competence Centre for Evaluation Methodology. Our administrative departments (Human Resources, Accounts and Controlling, IT and Internal Services) and, at the management level, the Communications and Publications unit handle supporting processes. Our Understanding of Integrity plays a central role in all these areas.

Equality and Diversity

Respect and appreciation are a core part of DEval’s institutional culture, alongside a fair, trust-based manner of dealing with one another, based on the principles of equality and diversity. To further embed these values, DEval signed the Diversity Charter and the Charter on Reconciling Work and Care.

Diversity Charter

The initiative’s aim is to promote diversity in the German workplace and strengthen a culture of recognition and appreciation. This applies to all employees, regardless of age, ethnicity and nationality, gender and gender identity, physical and mental abilities, religion and personal philosophy, sexual orientation, and social origins. Signing the Diversity Charity is part of DEval’s commitment to diversity, anti-racism, and equality.

Further information on the Diversity Charter is available here.

Charter on Reconciling Work and Care

The charter recognises companies, authorities, and organisations in North Rhine-Westphalia that participate in the federal state’s Reconciling Work and Care (Vereinbarkeit von Beruf & Pflege) programme. The signatories undertake to actively promote the compatibility of work and providing care. As an employer, DEval sees itself as responsible for, on the one hand, adapting to demographic changes in society, and on the other hand, in particular, taking into account the needs of employees who are also caregivers. To this end, DEval has devised a Care Guide, and offers flexible working hours as well as the chance to work remotely.

Further information on the Charter on Reconciling Work and Care is available here.


Portrait von Nele Knauff
© DEval

Nele Knauff

Human Resources and Organisation

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-929

E-mail: nele.knauff@DEval.org

© DEval

Lisa Weinert


Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-342

E-mail: lisa.weinert@DEval.org

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