Our Evaluation Programme
The DEval evaluation programme is the result of an annual consultation process for the next three years of evaluations. New focus topics and the topic of individual evaluations are decided on in the programme. DEval’s evaluations address governmental and non-governmental German development cooperation as well as the contributions of German development policy to multilateral organisations.
The consultation process for the evaluation programme incorporates proposals from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), from the DEval Advisory Board including members of parliament, and from the institute itself. The collected proposals are then assessed using established selection criteria. The outcome of this consultation and planning process is a programme proposal, which is presented to the institute’s Advisory Board and requires the approval of BMZ. Once the shareholder has approved the programme proposal, the evaluation programme is published on the institute’s homepage.
The Evaluation Programme 2023-2025
In addition to the evaluations that are already under way, the following evaluations are planned for the period of 2023 to 2025:
- Data basis and Methodology of Efficiency Assessments in German Development Evaluation
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Interventions for Promoting Circular Economy in German Development Cooperation
- Evaluative Study of Cooperation and Projects of Development Cooperation in the Area of (Renewable) Energy with African Countries
- Analysis of the Multilateral Engagement of German Development Cooperation
The programme also comprises multiannual focus topics, which the majority of the DEval evaluation have connections to.