Dr Martin Bruder
Psychology studies in Freiburg and Cambridge (until 2003); doctoral studies in social psychology at the University of Cambridge (2003-2007); subsequently Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Southampton and Cardiff University; Scientific Project Manager at the evaluation department of the head office of the German Council of Science and Humanities including participation in institutional and strategic evaluations; Fellow and Junior Research Group Leader at the Zukunftskolleg of the University of Konstanz (2010-2012); Head of Section “Monitoring, Evaluation, Research” at the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) including commissioning and management of project and program evaluations as well as facilitating the development of a results-based management system in the area of BMZ funding (2013-2015). Since November 2015 Head of Department at DEval.
Key qualification
- Thematic focus
Human rights, gender equality and inclusion in development cooperation
Structures, actors and instruments in civil society development cooperation
- Methodological focus
Planning and management of evaluations
Methods of empirical social science research and evaluation
Conducting meta-analyses
Development and validation of psychometric instruments for evaluation projects
Evaluations and Projects
- Advancement of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Management
- Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights
- Evaluation of the BMZ Measures Aimed at Supporting Voluntary Return and Reintegration
- Rigorous Impact Evaluation - Funding Programme
- Rigorous Impact Evaluation
- The DEval Opinion Monitor for Development Policy
- Human Rights in German Development Policy
- Human Rights in German Development Policy. Part 1: The Human Rights Strategy and its Implementation
- Human Rights in German Development Policy. Part 2: Implementation and Effectiveness of the Human Rights-Based Approach in the Area of Action "Private Sector and Financial System Development"
- Supporting Gender Equality in Post-conflict Contexts
- Engagement Global
- The Volunteer Service “weltwärts"
- Action Plan for the Inclusion of People with Disabilities
- Agricultural Value Chains
- Policy Brief: Public Opinion of the 2030 Agenda: A Mid-Term Review
- Policy Brief: Die Agenda 2030 in der öffentlichen Meinung: Eine Halbzeitbilanz
- Policy Brief: Attitudes towards Development Policy in the Context of the War against Ukraine
- Policy Brief: Entwicklungspolitische Einstellungen im Kontext des Krieges gegen die Ukraine
- Wirkt weltwärts? Wie Freiwillige sich verändern und zum entwicklungspolitischen Lernen in Deutschland beitragen
- Policy Brief: Municipal Development Policy in Germany. Current Trends, Challenges and Recommendations for Further Promotion
- Policy Brief: Kommunale Entwicklungspolitik in Deutschland: Aktuelle Entwicklungen, Herausforderungen und Empfehlungen zur weiteren Förderung
- Opinion Monitor for Development Policy 2022. Development Engagement in Times of Global Crises and Challenges
- Policy Brief: Feminist Development Policy: What does the Population Think? Results of a Representative Survey
- Policy Brief: Sustainable Consumption in the Face of Global Challenges: Opportunities and Obstacles
- Policy Brief: Feministische Entwicklungspolitik: Was denkt die Bevölkerung? Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Umfrage
- Policy Brief: Nachhaltiger Konsum angesichts globaler Herausforderungen: Chancen und Hindernisse
- Does Evidence Matter? The Impact of Evidence Regarding Aid Effectiveness on Attitudes Towards Aid
- Meinungsmonitor Entwicklungspolitik 2022. Entwicklungspolitisches Engagement in Zeiten globaler Krisen und Herausforderungen
- Human Rights-Based Evaluation in German and International Development Cooperation: Literature Review
- Policy Brief: COVID-19: Die Einstellungen der Bevölkerung zu Entwicklungspolitischen Maßnahmen und zur Impfstoffverteilung
- Policy Brief: Berichterstattung über Entwicklungspolitik während der Corona-Pandemie
- Menschenrechte in der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik. Teil 1: Das Menschenrechtskonzept und seine Umsetzung
- Menschenrechte in der Praxis der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik: Empirische Befunde und theoretische Einordnung
- Policy Brief: Die Erwartungen der Bevölkerung an Entwicklungspolitik
- Meinungsmonitor Entwicklungspolitik 2021. Medieninhalte, Informationen, Appelle und ihre Wirkung auf die öffentliche Meinung
- Does the COVID-19 pandemic threaten global solidarity? Evidence from Germany
- Policy Brief: Öffentliche Meinung zu internationaler Solidarität in der Corona-Pandemie
- Policy Brief: Public Opinion on International Solidarity in the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Using Mediation Analysis to Uncover Psychological Mechanisms of Attitude Change in a Development Volunteer Program
- International development volunteering: An instrument for promoting education in line with the Sustainable Development Goals?
- Attitudes towards development cooperation: New evidence on Germany
- DEval Brief: Öffentliche Meinung und internationale Solidarität in der Corona-Pandemie
- DEval Brief: Public Opinion and International Solidarity in the Corona Pandemic
- Policy Brief: Rigorose Wirkungsevaluierung in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- Policy Brief: Rigorous Impact Evaluation in German Development Cooperation
- Policy Brief: Die Agenda 2030 in der öffentlichen Meinung
- Policy Brief: Die deutsche Entwicklungspolitik im Spiegel der Öffentlichkeit - der DEval-Meinungsmonitor (MeMo) Entwicklungspolitik 2018
- Policy Brief: Does weltwärts Work? How Volunteers Change, and how they Contribute to Global Learning in Germany
- Policy Brief: Public Opinion of the 2030 Agenda
- Policy Brief: German Development Policy in the Eyes of the General Public - Opinion Monitor for Development Policy 2018
- Policy Brief: Wirkt weltwärts? Wie Freiwillige sich verändern und zum entwicklungspolitischen Lernen in Deutschland beitragen
- Evaluierung des Aktionsplans des BMZ zur Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen
- Evaluation of the BMZ Action Plan for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities
- Herausforderungen der menschenrechtsbasierten Evaluierung von politischen Strategiepapieren: Das Beispiel der Evaluierung des 'Aktionsplans zur Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen' des BMZ
Selected publications
Schneider, S. H., J. Eger, M. Bruder, J. Faust, L. H. Wieler (2020), "Does the COVID-19 pandemic threaten global solidarity? Evidence from Germany", World Development, Volume 140, 2021. [Link]
Bruder, M., Polak, J.T., Guffler, K., & Scheinert, L (2020). Using mediation analysis to uncover psychological mechanisms of attitude change in a development volunteer program. In J. Schmitt (Ed.), Causal Mechanisms in Program Evaluation. New Directions for Evaluation, 167, 131–143.
Scheinert, L., Guffler, K., Polak, J.T., & Bruder, M. (2019). International development volunteering: An instrument for promoting education in line with the Sustainable Development Goals? International Journal of Development Education & Global Learning, 11(1), 4-28.
van Tilburg, W. A. P., Bruder, M., Wildschut, T., Sedikides, C., Göritz, A. (2018) (in press), "An appraisal profile of nostalgia", Emotion.“ [ABSTRACT]
Schneider, S.H., J. Eger, M. Bruder und S.H. Gleser (19. Oktober 2018), „Attitudes towards Development Cooperation: New Evidence on Germany“, DevCommsLab Blog, https://devcommslab.org/blog/attitudes-towards-development-cooperation-new-evidence-on-germany/
Steckhan, H., Thomas, S., Ahrens, L., Bruder, M. (2018), "Herausforderungen der menschenrechtsbasierten Evaluierung von politischen Strategiepapieren: Das Beispiel der Evaluierung des 'Aktionsplans zur Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen' des BMZ", Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 17(1), pp. 108-129.
Zimmermann, J., Schubert, K., Bruder, M., & Hagemeyer, B. (2017), "Why go the extra mile? A longitudinal study on sojourn goals and their impact on sojourners' adaptation", International Journal of Psychology, 52(6), pp. 425-435. [ABSTRACT]
Bruder, M., & Galizia, C. G. (2017), "Recruitment and integration of international faculty at German universities: The case of the University of Konstanz", In M. Yudkevich, P. G. Altbach & L. E. Rumbley (Eds.), International faculty in higher education: Comparative perspectives on recruitment, integration, and impact (pp. 124-149). New York, NY: Routledge. [BOOK ABSTRACT]
Bruder, M. (2015), "Rose-tinted memories as a human resource: Nostalgia’s functional effects on how we reconstruct our past and succeed in the present", In D. Shulman & G. Galizia (Eds.), Forgetting: An interdisciplinary conversation (pp. 82-90). Jerusalem: The Hewbrew University Magnes Press. [BOOK ABSTRACT]
van der Schalk, J., Kuppens, T., Bruder, M., & Manstead, A. S. R. (2015), "The social power of regret: The effect of social appraisal and anticipated emotions on fair and unfair allocations in resource dilemmas", Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 144, 151-157. [ABSTRACT] [PDF]
Bruder, M., Fischer, A., & Manstead. A. S. R. (2014), "Social appraisal as cause of collective emotions", In C. von Scheve & M. Salmela (Eds.), Collective emotions, Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 141-155. [TOC]
Bruder, M., & Tanyi, A. (2014), "Overdemanding consequentialism? An experimental approach", Utilitas, 26, 250-275. [ABSTRACT]
Bruder, M., & Tanyi, A. (2014), "How to gauge moral intuitions? Prospects for a new methodology", In C. Lütge, H. Rusch, & M. Uhl (Eds.), Experimental Ethics: Towards an Empirical Moral Philosophy. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. [TOC]
Imhoff, R., & Bruder, M. (2014), "Speaking (un-)truth to power: Conspiracy mentality as a generalised political attitude", European Journal of Personality, 28, 25-43. [ABSTRACT]
Slabu, L., Lenton, A., Sedikides, C., & Bruder, M. (2014), "Trait and state authenticity across cultures, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 1347-1373. [ABSTRACT]
Tanyi, A., & Bruder, M. (2014), "Consequentialism and its demands: A representative study", Journal of Value Inquiry, 48, 293-314. [ABSTRACT]
Wildschut, T., Bruder, M., Robertson, S., van Tilburg, W. A. P., & Sedikides, C. (2014), "Collective nostalgia: A group-level emotion that confers unique benefits on the group", Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 107, 844-863. [ABSTRACT] [PDF]
Bruder, M., Haffke, P., Neave, N., Nouripanah, N., & Imhoff, R. (2013), "Measuring individual differences in generic beliefs in conspiracy theories across cultures: The Conspiracy Mentality Questionnaire", Frontiers in Psychology, 4, 225. [ABSTRACT] [PDF]
Bruder, M., Dosmukhambetova, D., Nerb, J., & Manstead, A. S. R. (2012), "Emotional signals in nonverbal interaction: Dyadic facilitation and convergence in expressions, appraisals, and feelings", Cognition & Emotion, 26, 480-502. [ABSTRACT]
Livingstone, A. G., Spears, R., Manstead, A. S. R., & Bruder, M. (2011), "The more, the merrier? Numerical strength versus subgroup distinctiveness in minority groups", Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 47, 786-793. [ABSTRACT] [PDF]
Livingstone, A. G., Spears, R., Manstead, A. S. R., Bruder, M., & Shepherd, L. (2011), "We feel, therefore we are: Emotion as a basis for self-categorization and social action", Emotion, 11, 754-767. [ABSTRACT] [PDF]
Lenton, A. P., Bruder, M., & Sedikides, C. (2009), "A meta-analysis on the malleability of automatic gender stereotypes", Psychology of Women Quarterly, 33, 183-196. [ABSTRACT] [PDF]
For a complete list of publications see http://scholar.google.de/citations?user=2kN9U5kAAAAJ
Dr Martin Bruder
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-970
E-mail: martin.bruder@DEval.org