Objectives and Strategy
The objective of our work is to increase the effectiveness of German development cooperation. Moreover, DEval aims to provide more transparency regarding the use of public funds.
Institutional Strategy 2022 - 2026
DEval contributes to more effective, efficient, and sustainable development cooperation. Five years from now, we would like to have further strengthened our position as an institute of reference for high-quality evaluation work in the political sphere. Our strategy is embedded within DEval’s vision and mission as well as within the evaluation guidelines of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Five Objectives for the next Five Years
- Our evaluations are more useful due to our increased focus on implementation in regard to the primary target groups of German development cooperation.
- The evaluation system of German development cooperation is strengthened because we have encouraged quality, acceptance, and implementation of our evaluations.
- Our work’s partnership aspect is strengthened due to our continued encouragement of evidence-based policy in the German development cooperation partner countries.
- DEval’s role as an application-based research institution is strengthened because we position the methods and contents of our contributions in the relevant research landscape.
- DEval continues to be a stable, resilient, and efficient organisation which has managed to make its actions more sustainable whilst maintaining its integrity.