Dr Cornelia Römling
Cornelia Römling is a senior evaluator and team leader in the department of sustainable economic and social development. She joined DEval in 2019 and conducts strategic evaluations, for example on climate change adaptation, circular economy and COVID-19 response programmes. Prior to this, she worked at the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) and the Centre for Evaluation (CEval). Cornelia Römling holds a Master's degree in International Economics with a focus on Development Economics and a PhD in Agricultural Economics with a thesis on "Overweight and Obesity in Developing Countries" from the University of Göttingen.
Key qualifications
- Thematic focus
Development economics, esp. on nutrition
- Methodological focus
Mixed method evaluations
M&E systems
Meta evaluations
Evaluations and Projects
- Evaluation of the BMZ Emergency COVID-19 Support Programme
- Evaluation of Interventions for Climate Change Adaptation: Agriculture, Water and Environmental Protection, Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans
- Evaluation of Interventions for Climate Change Adaptation: Instruments for Managing Residual Climate Risks
- Evaluation of Interventions for Climate Change Adaptation: Portfolio and Allocation Analysis
- Evaluation of Interventions for Climate Change Adaptation: Synthesis Report
- Unterschiedliche Perspektiven - gemeinsamer Erfolg? Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit der Privatwirtschaft
- Evaluation of the BMZ Emergency COVID-19 Support Programme. Lessons from the Pandemic
- Die Evaluierung des Corona-Sofortprogramms des BMZ. Lernen aus der COVID-19-Pandemie
- Policy Brief: Relevance and Efficiency of the Emergency COVID-19 Support Programme: BMZ prioritised rapid disbursement to partner countries
- Policy Brief: Relevanz und Effizienz des Coronasofortprogramms: BMZ setzte auf schnelle Auszahlung an Partnerländer
- Evaluation of Interventions for Climate Change Adaptation. Instruments for Managing Residual Climate Risks
- Evaluierung von Maßnahmen zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel: Instrumente zum Umgang mit residualen Klimarisiken
- Monitoring, evaluation and learning for climate risk management
Selected Publications
Noltze, M.; Köngeter, A.; Römling, C. and D. Hoffmann (2021), “Monitoring, evaluation and learning for climate risk management”, OECD Development Co[1]operation Working Paper No 92, OECD Publishing, Paris
Holzapfel, S. and C. Römling (2020), Monitoring in German bilateral development cooperation: A case study of agricultural, rural development and food security projects, Discussion Paper 18/2020, German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE).
Silvestrini, S., S. J. Väth, C. Römling, M. Lieckefett, P. Mikkolainen (2018), Meta-evaluation of project and programme evaluations in 2015-2017: Evaluation on Finland’s development policy and cooperation, Evaluation Report 2018/3, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Helsinki.
UNICEF (2018), Formative Evaluation of the Out-of-School Children Initiative (OOSCI), Evaluation Report, United Nations Children’s Fund, New York.
Koy, J., C. Roemling, S. J. Väth (2016), Meta-Evaluierung der Projektevaluierungen aus den Jahren 2014 – 2015, Evaluation Report, Misereor, Aachen.
Roemling, C. and M. Qaim (2013), “Dual burden households and intra-household nutritional inequality in Indonesia”, Economics & Human Biology Vol. 11 (4), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 563-573.
Roemling, C. and M. Qaim (2012), “Obesity trends and determinants in Indonesia”, Appetite Vol. 58 (3), Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 1005-1013.
Dr Cornelia Römling
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-996
E-mail: cornelia.roemling@DEval.org