• Evaluator

Kai Rompczyk

© DEval

Kai Rompczyk works as an evaluator in the DEval Community of Practice since February 2021. Previously, he was employed at the Institute for Municipal Planning and Development (IKPE) in Erfurt, where he wrote a social structure report for Thuringia and advised municipal planning professionals on social reporting and how to demonstrate the effects of local poverty prevention programmes and integration measures. He completed his master's degree in sociology in Bamberg, specializing in quantitative methods of empirical social research which included panel and multilevel analyses as well as social network analysis and methods of data collection. Subsequently, he did research on occupational gender segregation at the University of Jena using decomposition analysis. As a freelancer, he conducted surveys and data analysis in the field of social planning, family sociology, and social change.

Key qualifications

Thematic focus

Main research topics: social inequalities, social structure analysis, social planning  


Quantitative Social Research Methods

Current Evaluations at DEval

Community of Practice for evaluation methods, standards and processes

Selected Publications:

Fischer, J., Kretzschmar, J. and Rompczyk, K. (2020), “Sozialplanung in der Corona-Pandemie. Eine empirische Untersuchung im Freistaat Thüringen zu den Funktionen und Abläufen in Krisenzeiten”, Sozialmagazin, Vol. 45, No. 9 – 10, S. 90-97.

Helbig, M., Frank, L., Huber, S., Rompczyk, K., and Salomo, K. (2020), “Zweiter Sozialstrukturatlas für den Freistaat Thüringen mit der Fokussierung auf Armut und Armutsprävention in Thüringen. Thüringer Ministerium für Arbeit, Soziales, Gesundheit, Frauen und Familie, Erfurt.


Portrait von Kai Rompczyk
© DEval

Kai Rompczyk


Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-992

E-mail: kai.rompczyk@DEval.org

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