Joint Strategic Ministerial Evaluation of the Engagement of the AA and BMZ in Iraq
The objective of the joint strategic ministerial evaluation is to conduct an independent and comprehensive analysis and assessment of the two ministries' engagement in Iraq.
- Background
It is the German government’s intention during its crisis engagement in Iraq to continue to anchor monitoring and evaluation as an important instrument for learning, accountability and strategic management in Iraq. In this context, a joint strategic ministerial evaluation of the engagement by the Federal Foreign Office (AA) and the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) in Iraq is conducted. The object of the evaluation consists of the bilateral and multilateral programmes funded by both institutions in the fields of humanitarian assistance, stabilisation, reconstruction and development cooperation in the period 2014-2019. In addition, the transitions and interfaces between these fields will be analysed. The evaluation is being implemented by DEval and GFA (GFA Consulting Group GmbH), working in consortium, within which DEval is leading the evaluation of the BMZ portfolio.
- Objectives
The objective of the joint strategic ministerial evaluation is to conduct an independent and comprehensive analysis and assessment of the two ministries' engagement in Iraq. It is envisaged that the evaluation will make important contributions to accountability and joint institutional learning. At the same time, the evaluation is intended to function as a pilot project for joint strategic ministerial evaluations of the two institutions in relation to relevant joint fields of action and the interfaces between them.
- Methods and evaluation process
The evaluation follows a theory-based approach which involves the development of both overarching and ministry-specific Theories of Change. To ensure the reliability of the results, a mixed-methods approach will be used which combines qualitative and quantitative research approaches. To address the contextual conditions adequately, a conflict-sensitive approach is used. The evaluation team will undertake an in-country visit if possible, and in parallel, remote data collection methods such as Internet-based alternatives for data collection are developed.
- Christoph Hartmann Senior Evaluator - Team Leader
- Ruben Wedel Former Evaluator DEval
- Marlene vom Hofe Former Evaluator
- Maren Weeger Evaluator
- Line Winterhoff Former Evaluator, DEval
Christoph Hartmann
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-953
E-mail: christoph.hartmann@DEval.org
Dr Stefan Leiderer
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-940
E-mail: stefan.leiderer@DEval.org