• Evaluator

Maren Weeger

© DEval

Maren Weeger joined DEval in 2020. Previously, she worked for the German NGO Welthungerhilfe in the Institutional Donor Relations Unit where she was responsible for the process-oriented proposal development and the implementation of transitional assistance projects in fragile and conflict-ridden contexts. She studied European Studies (B.A.) with focus on Eastern Europe in Magdeburg and Romania and specialized in the field of peace and conflict studies throughout her master’s program International Relations and Development Policy (M.A.) in Duisburg-Essen and Lima. Maren Weeger gained first work experience at the German Embassy in Bulgaria, with GIZ in Kosovo and the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Key qualifications

Thematic focus

Conflict prevention and peace building, transitional justice

Fragile states and post-conflict-societies

Instruments, Structures and Procedures of the German Development Cooperation


Methodological focus

Qualitative data collection and analysis

Regional focus

Eastern Europe (Romania, Bulgaria, Kosovo)

Burkina Faso




Portrait Maren Weeger
© DEval

Maren Weeger


Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-917

E-mail: maren.weeger@DEval.org

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