Magdalena Orth-Rempel
Before joining DEval as an evaluator, Magdalena Orth-Rempel worked as a management consultant in the public sector und planned, implemented and evaluated projects in federal and state ministries as well as in non-governmental organizations. The projects primarily dealt with the modernization of the public sector, organisational development and knowledge management. Magdalena Orth gained hands-on experience in development cooperation through internships in the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, the GIZ in Nepal and the Think Tank “Centre for International Governance Innovation” in Canada. Key expertise are programme- and results-based approaches in development finance. Magdalena Orth-Rempel holds a bachelor’s degree in Public Management and Governance and a master’s degree in Public Policy from the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin. In her studies, she focused on public finance, political economy and development cooperation.
Key qualifications
- Thematic focus
Financial development cooperation, in particular innovative financing mechanisms and budget support
Public financial management, political economy, governance and public administration
Project management of new public management and organisational development projects
- Methodological focus
Qualitative and quantitative data collection and evaluation
- Regional focus
Sub-Saharan Africa,
South Asia
- Evaluation of the BMZ Emergency COVID-19 Support Programme. Lessons from the Pandemic
- Die Evaluierung des Corona-Sofortprogramms des BMZ. Lernen aus der COVID-19-Pandemie
- Policy Brief: Relevance and Efficiency of the Emergency COVID-19 Support Programme: BMZ prioritised rapid disbursement to partner countries
- Policy Brief: Relevanz und Effizienz des Coronasofortprogramms: BMZ setzte auf schnelle Auszahlung an Partnerländer
- Evaluation Synthesis - Private Sector Engagement
- Evaluierungssynthese Zusammenarbeit mit der Privatwirtschaft
- Evaluating Blended Finance Instruments and Mechanisms: Approaches and Methods
- Policy Brief: Strukturierte Fonds in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: Zwischen entwicklungspolitischer Wirkung und finanzieller Nachhaltigkeit
- Strukturierte Fonds. Ein Finanzierungsansatz im Spannungsfeld zwischen finanzieller Nachhaltigkeit und entwicklungspolitischer Wirkung
- The State of the Evidence on Blended Finance for Sustainable Development
- Blended Finance Evaluation: Governance And Methodological Challenges
- Lessons from Evaluation. Issue 2: Gender Equality in Education
- Privatunternehmen in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Partnerschaft mit Zukunft?
- Policy Brief: On the Future of Integrated Policy-Based Development Cooperation
- Policy Brief: Zur Zukunft integrierter politikbasierter Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- The Future of Integrated Policy-Based Development Cooperation.
- Policy Brief: How Effective is Budget Support as an Aid Modality?
- Policy Brief: Wie wirksam ist die Budgethilfe als Modalität der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit?
- Lernen fördern. Transparenz schaffen. 5 Jahre DEval 2012 – 2017
- What We Know about the Effectiveness of Budget Support
Selected Publications
Winckler Andersen, O., et al. (2019), "Blended Finance Evaluation: Governance and Methodological Challenges", OECD Development Co-operation Working Papers, No. 51, OECD Publishing, Paris,
Magdalena Orth-Rempel
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-952