• Evaluator FOCELAC

Juan Carlos Sanz

© DEval

Juan Carlos Sanz joined DEval in May 2014 and since then he has been involved in the coordination of ECD Projects. The main focus of his previous professional career was the coordination of international cooperation projects in several countries of Latin America and Africa. During this period, he worked in close collaboration with the Evaluation Unit of the Spanish Agency for International Cooperation.
In DEval's ECD projects, Juan Sanz specializes in participatory approaches, stakeholder networking, and monitoring and support to national evaluation units.


Key Qualifications

Thematic Focus

Development of the National Evaluation Capacities Index (INCE)

Coordinator of the Eval Participativa platform (evalparticipativa.net)

Methodological Focus

Evaluation Capacity Development (ECD)

Country Expertise

Africa: Ethiopia, Angola

Latin America: Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico

Selected Publications

Tapella, E., Rodríguez, P., Sanz, J. (2021). Siembra y cosecha. Manual de evaluación participativa. Bonn, Alemania: DEval, 2021

Cousins, J.B. (2019), Collaborative Approaches to Evaluation - Principles in Use. Canada: University of Ottawa

Rodríguez, P. et al. (2018), Leaving a footprint. Stories of evaluations that made a difference. Edit. UNSJ, San Juan.

Arredondo, M., et al. (2010), Handbook of Management of Evaluations of the Spanish Cooperation (Spanisch: Manual de gestión de evaluaciones de la Cooperación Española“, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Madrid.

Sanz, J. C. (2009), Informe de evaluación interna del II Plan Director de la Cooperación Española 2005-2008 (Interne Evaluierung des zweiten spanischen Masterplans für die internationale Entwicklungszusammenarbeit 2005-2008), Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, Madrid.



Portrait von Juan Carlos Sanz
© DEval

Juan Carlos Sanz


Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-961

E-mail: juan.sanz@DEval.org

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