• Head of Department: Structures and Processes of Bilateral Cooperation

Dr Kerstin Guffler

© DEval

Kerstin Guffler studied psychology at the Otto-Friedrich University Bamberg und the University of South Carolina (USA). She wrote her doctoral thesis about the topic „Contact Interventions in Intractable Conflicts: Long-Term Attitude and Behavior Intension Changes in Israel”. Since 2016 she has worked as an evaluator, later as a team leader at DEval and has headed the  department Structures and Processes of Bilateral Cooperation since May 2024.

Key qualifications

Thematic focus

Individual attitude and behavior changes

Quality of evaluations (meta evaluations)

Methodological focus

Quantitative and qualitative methods of empirical social research and evaluation
(in particular longitudinal analysis of [quasi-] experimental research designs)


Selected publications

Guffler, K., Wagner, U. (2017), "Backfire of good intentions: Unexpected long-term contact intervention effects in an intractable conflict area", Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, Vol. 23, No. 4, S. 383 – 391. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/pac0000264

Guffler, K., R. Linda, J. Maaser (2015), Orientierungshilfe für das Engagement der Kommunen im Aufbau einer Erstaufnahmeeinrichtung für Flüchtlinge, Stadt Marburg, Marburg.

Stellmacher, J., K. Hammann (2013), Evaluation eines Schulprojektes zur Aufklärung von HIV/AIDS, unpublizierter Evaluationsbericht, Philipps-Universität Marburg, Marburg.


Portrait von Dr. Kerstin Guffler
© DEval

Dr Kerstin Guffler

Head of Department: Structures and Processes of Bilateral Cooperation

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-978

E-mail: kerstin.guffler@DEval.org

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