• Evaluator

Dr Alexander Kocks

Alexander Kocks is a Method Specialist in DEval´s Competence Center for Methods. Prior to joining DEval he worked for a number of years as a researcher and lecturer at the LMU Munich (Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science) and at the University of Bremen (Institute for Intercultural and International Studies). His main research focus is on peace and security studies, development cooperation and human rights. In his dissertation he has been looking into the causes of humanitarian interventions from a global public good perspective. His research and teaching has been centred on theory testing and qualitative as well as quantitative methods. He is reviewer for several peer-reviewed journals and was Speaker of the Junior Research Group of the German Political Science Association´s section “International Politics”. He worked in various impact evaluation projects conducted by the Institute for Development and Peace (INEF) and was a visiting lecturer at the FU Berlin (Center for Global Politics). In addition, he has been working with UNDP´s Office of Development Studies (New York, USA) and the Friedrich-Ebert-Foundation (Accra, Ghana).

Key qualifications

Thematic focus

crisis and conflict resolution,



human rights,

private sector and corporate social responsibility

Methodological focus

Qualitative and quantitative methods in social science research

Selected publications

Kocks, Alexander, Ruben Wedel, Hanne Roggemann und Helge Roxin (2019), The strategic dimension of the humanitarian-development gap - conceptual claims and empirical evidence. Rural 21, Vol. 53, Nr. 1/2019.

Kocks, Alexander, Ruben Wedel, Hanne Roggemann, Helge Roxin (2018), Building Bridges Between International Humanitarian and Development Responses to Forced Migration, A Review of Conceptual and Empirical Literature with a Case Study on the Response to the Syria Crisis, Rapport 2018, No. 02 till Expertgruppen för biståndsanalys (EBA).

Kocks, A. et al. (2012), “Between Law and Politics: Explaining International Dispute Settlement Behavior”, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 18, No. 2, S. 369-401.

Kocks, A., A. Spencer, K. Harbrich (Hg.) (2011), Terrorismusforschung in Deutschland, Wiesbaden.

Kocks, A. (2010), „Die Theorie der Globalen Öffentlichen Güter: Forschungsstand und Perspektiven“, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Vol. 17, No. 2, S. 235-265.

Kocks, A., K. Blome (2009), „Judizialisierungsprozesse im Menschenrechtsbereich: Erfolgsmodell EGMR“,in Zangl, Bernhard (Hrsg.), Auf dem Weg zu internationaler Rechtsherrschaft? Streitbeilegung zwischen Politik und Recht, Frankfurt/New York, 229-266.

Kocks, A. et al. (2009), „Weltherrschaft des Rechts – Reichweite und Grenzen“, in Rittberger, Volker (Hrsg.), Wer regiert die Welt und mit welchem Recht?, Baden-Baden, S. 119-152.

Kocks, A. (2007), The Financing of UN Peace Operations: Providing International Public Goods in the 21st Century, Saarbrücken.

Kocks, A. (2007), „Die Finanzierung von VN-Friedensoperationen als Transnationale Öffentliche Güter“, in Deutsche Gesellschaft für die Vereinten Nationen (Hrsg.): Alternative Mechanismen zur Finanzierung von Friedensoperationen der Vereinten Nationen, Blaue Reihe Vol. 100, Berlin.

Kocks, A. (2007), “Brazil”, in GIZ/Bertelsmann Foundation (Hrsg.), The CSR Navigator: Public Policies in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe, Berlin.

Kocks, A., B. Hamm (2007), “Mozambique”, in GIZ/Bertelsmann Foundation (Hrsg.): The CSR Navigator: Public Policies in Africa, the Americas, Asia and Europe. Berlin.

Kocks, A., B. Hamm (2006), “40 Jahre UN-Sozialpakt: Bilanz und Perspektiven“, Die Friedenswarte – Journal of International Peace and Organisation, Vol. 81, No. 1, S. 87-106.

Kocks, A., I. Kaul (2006), „Globale Öffentliche Güter. Zur Relevanz des Begriffs“, in Brunnengräber, Achim (Hrsg.), Globale Öffentliche Güter unter Globalisierungsdruck. Münster, S. 39-56.


Dr Alexander Kocks

Evaluator - Team Leader

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-964

E-mail: alexander.kocks@DEval.org

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