• Evaluator

Ines Reinstädtler

Ines Reinstädtler joined DEval July 2023. She studied International Relations and Development Policy (M.A.) at the University of Duisburg-Essen and holds a Bachelor's degree in Social Science and Economics from the Ruhr University Bochum. During her studies, she worked as a student research assistant at the Institute and as a Schuman trainee in the European Parliamentary Research Service. She gained practical experience in the field of development cooperation in Zambia and Uganda.

Key Qualifications

Thematic Focus

Aid Effectiveness



Quantitative and Qualitative Methods of Empirical Social Science

Regression Analysis

Qualitative Content Analysis

Selected publications

Ahamad Madatali, Hannah, Reinstädtler, Ines (2023), Review and monitoring clauses in EU international agreements, A rolling check-list. 5th edition. DOI: 10.2861/607653 (peer reviewed)


Ines Reinstädtler


Phone: +49 228 336907-945

E-mail: ines.reinstaedtler@DEval.org

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