• Evaluator

Dr Mira Fey

Dr Mira Fey has been working as an evaluator at DEval since November 2023. Previously, she was a professor of Social Work at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Western Switzerland where she taught and conducted research. Most recently, she led a study evaluating services offered to gender-diverse people by LGBTQIA+ organisation which also included the co-organisation of an event series with gender-diverse staff and presenters. In 2020, Dr. Mira Fey was awarded the PhD in Political Science and International Relations at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva for her dissertation investigating prostitution policy, policing, and human trafficking. As part of her PhD, she spent a year at the Centre of Ethnographic Research, University of California, Berkeley. Since then, she carried out different research projects on inclusion processes within international organisations for Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Geneva Office and worked on publications on weapon trafficking in different regions in Africa and beyond in her role as editor for the Small Arms Survey.

Key Qualifications

Thematic focus

Inequality and vulnerability

Sexuality and gender research

Diversity, equity, and inclusion

Organisational change

Human rights


Qualitative and quantitative methods, including participatory approaches in data collection and analysis


Dr Mira Fey


Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-346

E-mail: mira.fey@DEval.org

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