Lukas Welk
Lukas Welk has been working as an evaluator at DEval since June 2023. Previously, he gained practical experience at the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). He completed his M.Sc. at the University of Hohenheim with a focus on bioeconomics and agricultural economics. In his thesis, he examined the role of women empowerment and gender aspects in agricultural development in Uganda. He completed his B.Sc. at the Rottenburg University of Applied Forest Sciences. As part of his thesis, he supported a research project on food security and biomass potential at the University of Energy and Natural Resources in Sunyani, Ghana.
Key Qualifications
- Thematic Focus
Circular economy
agriculture and rural development
food security
agricultural value chains
landscape planning
agricultural trade and markets
- Methods
Quantitative and qualitative data analysis
Geographic Information Systems
- Regional Focus
Selected Publications
Welk, Lukas; Bosch, Christine; Bryan, Elizabeth; Kato, Edward; Seymour, Greg and Birner, Regina. 2022. How do quantitative gender indicators compare to qualitative findings in the analysis of gender differences in agricultural productivity? Evidence from Uganda. IFPRI Discussion Paper 2140. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).