• Head of Department: Sustainable Economic and Social Development

Amélie Gräfin zu Eulenburg

© DEval

Master in Economics and East European Studies focusing on development and transition economics at the Free University of Berlin; 1996-2006: Project Manager in development cooperation projects (bi- und multilaterally-funded) including placements in-the-field on behalf of KfW, GIZ, the European Commission and UN; 2006-2014: Senior Evaluation Manager/ Economist in the independent evaluation department at the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), London; 2014-20: Various management positions in the private sector including ICON-INSTITUT and KPMG. Since March 2020: Head of Department for Sustainable Economic and Social Development at the DEval.

Key qualifications

Thematic focus

International development cooperation for economic development, public and private sector transition

Compliance und corporate culture

Methodological focus

Theory of change, results frameworks and ‚evaluability’

Current Evaluations

Measures to promote the circular economy through German Development Cooperation

Selected Publications

Retrospective evaluation of state aid rules for RDI and the provisions applicable to RDI state aid of the GBER applicable in 2014–2020.Research, Development and Innovation (RDI), KPMG im Auftrag der GD Wettbewerb, Brüssel 2020. [Link]

Mid-term Review of the „Instrument contributing to Stability and Peace (IcSP), ICON-INSTITUT Public Sector GmbH im Auftrag des EU External Action Service (EEAS), 2017. [Link]

Evaluation of the EBRD ‚Mongolia Financial Sector Framework, Independent Evaluation Department of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EvD/EBRD), 2014 [Link]

Energy Efficiency Programme in the Pavlodar and Petropavlovsk Oblasts District Heating Companies’, Kazakhstan (within the framework of the global Climate Investment Fund evaluation (CIF), EvD/EBRD 2013. [Link]

Special Study: Performance Metrics: how well do EBRD projects specify expected results?, EvD/EBRD, 2013 [Link]

Rehabilitation of Corridor 5 in Bosnia i Herzegovina (BiH), EvD/EBRD, 2013. [Link]

Evaluation of the Forest Policy in Romania with particular regard to implications on the domestic processing industries, EvD/EBRD, 2011. [Link]

Mid-term Review of the EBRD Special Shareholder Fund, Portfolio Analysis and assessment of Governance and Management procedures, 2011. [Link]

Special Study: Evaluation of the EBRD Transport Operations Policy 2005, (together with Wolfgang Gruber), 2011. [Link]

Special Study: Evaluation of the ‘EBRD Policy Dialogue’, 2010. [Link]

Project evaluation: Rehabilitation of the Almaty-Bishkek Road, joint exercise by the independent evaluation departments of EBRD and Asian Development Bank (ADB), Kazakhstan, Kirgisztan, 2009. [Link]

The EU/EBRD SME Facility, London, Croatia, Bulgaria, Hungary and Slowak Republic, EvD/ EBRD; 2009. [Link]

Project evaluation: Atyrau Airport (loan and TA project as well as policy dialogue), management support to the Atyrau Airport Company, Kazakhstan, EvD/ EBRD, 2008. [Link]

Special Study: Evaluation of the EBRD ‘Early Transition Countries Initiative and Fund’ (2007 and 2013) including Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, EvD/ EBRD, 2007. [Link]

Project evaluation: Surgut Municipal Services Development Programme, Russia, EvD/ EBRD, 2007. [Link]

Validation: Annual assessment and review of the completion report assessment (self-evaluaiton oft he EBRD Technical Cooperation provided for supporting its investment operations and policy
dialogue), London EvD/ EBRD (2007-2011). [Link]

Memberships and Networks

Member in the Research Network "Sustainable Global Supply Chains"[Link]


Portrait von Amélie Gräfin zu Eulenburg
© DEval

Amélie Gräfin zu Eulenburg

Head of Department: Sustainable Economic and Social Development, Integrity Officer

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-930

E-mail: amelie.eulenburg@DEval.org

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