gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021

The gLOCAL Evaluation week is an event that promotes evaluation capacity development, evidence-based decision making, and strengthens development outcomes at a local and global levels, through the exchange of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) knowledge and experiences in different events, hosted by more than two hundred organizers around the world.

The gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021 was convened by the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), in partnership with M&E aware institutions from all over the world, including DEval.

In 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic gLOCAL turned into a virtual event, and this year the gLOCAL Evaluation Week 2021, held from May 31 until June 4th, maintained this format, with 346 activities, hosted by 229 organizers in more than 60 countries. This platform allowed for a wide range of topics to be discussed, with the theme “Building Forward Better”, which intended to encourage discussions about the role of M&E in the response to and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Discussions were formulated around the following questions:

1) How can evaluation help decision makers and other stakeholders to make better informed decisions to ‘build forward better’?

2) How can innovations in evaluation approaches and methods improve our understanding of efforts to build forward better after crises?

3) What have we learned from evaluations about effective responses to past crises – i.e., 'what worked' and 'what didn't work'?

4) How can we strengthen National M&E Systems so countries are more resilient and better prepared to build forward better?

Our participation

In addition to being a partner and promoting the event, DEval participated in 14 activities co-organized with more than 20 institutions from different regions of the world, including public institutions, evaluation networks and multilateral organizations.

The activities addressed topics of utmost importance for the development of evaluation capacities, including the integration of vulnerable groups to the evaluation processes in a participatory manner, the generation of evaluation management capacities within public institutions, as well as the exchange of experiences, tools and lessons learned during the implementation of innovative evaluations.

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