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This section contains evaluation reports, evaluation syntheses, baseline reports, reviews, surveys and studies, policy briefs and publications by DEval employees.

335 result(s) found for your search.

Meta-evaluation on the Quality of (Project)Evaluations in German Development Cooperation

  • Dr Kerstin Guffler
  • Laura Kunert
  • Marian Wittenberg
  • Dr Nico Herforth

The cross-organisational meta-evaluation examines project evaluations of eleven governmental and non-governmental organisations in Germany that were (co-)funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). This meta-evaluation analyses their understanding of quality in evaluations and their application of internationally recognised quality standards, especially the OECD-DAC and DeGEval standards. It also analyses factors linked to the application of the quality standards.

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Bibliographical information

  • Guffler, K., L. Kunert, M. Wittenberg and N. Herforth (2022), Meta-evaluation on the Quality of (Project)Evaluations in German Development Cooperation, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
Instruments and structures of development cooperation Methods and standards Germany Reports

Forced Migration, Aid Effectiveness, and the Humanitarian–Development Nexus

  • Dr Stefan Leiderer
  • Helge Roxin

Bridging the gap between humanitarian assistance and development cooperation has been a contentious issue in academia and development practice for decades. Drawing on an evaluation of Germany’s ‘Partnership for Prospects’ initiative, this paper argues that, whilst the supplement of ‘peacebuilding’ to the nexus (humanitarian–development–peacebuilding [HDP] nexus) brought an important context factor into the discussion in an environment of conflict, it is only of marginal help in a context of forced migration to neighbouring countries of a given conflict. For the context of host countries of refugees in a protracted crisis, it is more relevant that host countries show ownership and reliability in their policies to create long-term perspectives for refugees. These policies in turn need to be embedded in reliable rules (polity) and negotiation processes (politics) in host countries. Consequently, the paper suggests that a ‘HD–Triple-P’ nexus would take the necessary political dimension into account more adequately. However, it might also mark the boundary as to what development politics can achieve.

Bibliographical information

  • Leiderer, S., Roxin, H. (2023). Forced migration, aid effectiveness, and the humanitarian–development nexus, UNU-WIDER Working Paper 2023/69
Fragility and conflict External Publications

Who Supports Feminist Development Policy?

  • Dr Sebastian H. Schneider
  • Dr Alexandra Gödderz
  • Dr Helge Zille

In December 2021, the new German federal government announced a feminist foreign policy in its coalition agreement. This concept aims at strengthening the rights, representation and resources of women and marginalised groups, and at fostering the recognition of diversity. In the same vein, Germany’s Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) announced its plans to pursue a feminist development policy. While the German government considered this an innovation and a timely contribution to global gender equality, criticism emerged instantly, for example, by the party whip of the Christian Democratic Union/Christian Social Union (CDU/CSU) faction, Friedrich Merz, in the Bundestag.

Turning to feminist development policy specifically, opinion polls indicate that the general public, on average, has a sceptical perception of this concept. What remains unclear is who supports a feminist development policy.Against this backdrop, we analyse survey data from January 2023 to find out what role political orientation, gender and awareness of the concept play in explaining public support for Germany’s feminist development policy.

Bibliographical information

  • Schneider, S. H., Gödderz, A., Zille, H., Sassenhagen, N. (2023): Who supports feminist development policy? Evidence from Germany, in: European Journal of Politics and Gender (early view) https://doi.org/10.1332/251510821X16877942994234
Instruments and structures of development cooperation Germany External Publications

Wirkt weltwärts? Wie Freiwillige sich verändern und zum entwicklungspolitischen Lernen in Deutschland beitragen

  • Dr Jan Tobias Polak
  • Laura Scheinert
  • Dr Kerstin Guffler
  • Dr Martin Bruder

Entwicklung“ global zu denken, wird immer wichtiger: Zum einen nimmt die Diskussion entwicklungspolitischer Fragestellungen in der deutschen Gesellschaft zu; zum anderen hat die Weltgemeinschaft universal geltende Ziele für nachhaltige Entwicklung formuliert. Dadurch wächst die Bedeutung entwicklungspolitischer Bildungsarbeit. Hier kommt dem entwicklungspolitischen Freiwilligendienst weltwärts eine besondere Rolle zu: Erstens zielt er darauf ab, junge Erwachsene durch einen pädagogisch begleiteten Freiwilligendienst in einem Partnerland der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit zu global solidarischem und verantwortungsbewusstem Handeln zu befähigen. Zweitens sollen die Rückkehrenden ihre Erfahrungen weitergeben und so einen Beitrag zur entwicklungspolitischen Bildungsarbeit in Deutschland leisten. Das Deutsche Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (DEval) evaluierte die weltwärts-Nord-Süd-Komponente von Januar 2016 bis Dezember 2017.

Bibliographical information

  • Polak, J.T., Scheinert, L., Guffler, K. & Bruder, M. (2018), "Wirkt weltwärts? Wie Freiwillige sich verändern und zum entwicklungspolitischen Lernen in Deutschland beitragen", Voluntaris, (6)2, 264-269.
Instruments and structures of development cooperation External Publications

Preguntas de evaluación clave (PEC) para orientar las evaluaciones de la huella ecológica (Footprint Evaluations)

  • E. Jane Davidson
  • Andy Rowe

El presente listado de preguntas de evaluación clave (PEC) es uno de varios productos del proyecto Evaluación de la Huella Ecológica. Su propósito más importante es mostrar una forma potencialmente útil de consolidar la sostenibilidad en una evaluación – integrándola en cada una de las preguntas de evaluación de alto nivel que orientan el proyecto. No todas las evaluaciones responderán necesariamente las siete PEC, aunque es probable que una evaluación razonablemente exhaustiva incluya al menos cierta versión de cada una.

English version

Bibliographical information

  • Davidson, E.J. y Rowe, A. (2022). Preguntas de evaluación clave (PEC) para orientar las evaluaciones de la huella ecológica (Footprint Evaluations) (versión 5). BetterEvaluation. (Obra original publicada en inglés como "Key Evaluation Questions (KEQs) to guide Footprint Evaluations"). https://www.betterevaluation.org/es/tools-resources/preguntas-de-evaluacion-clave-pec-para-orientar-las-evaluaciones-de-la-huella-ecologica-footprint
Evaluation Capacity Development Latin America External Publications

Todo sobre la Evaluación de la huella ecológica (Footprint Evaluations in Spanish)

  • Andy Rowe
  • E. Jane Davidson
  • Patricia Rogers
  • Dugan Fraser

Esta página temática es un producto de la Iniciativa Evaluación de la Huella Ecológica – un esfuerzo colaborativo de creación colectiva e investigación apoyado por la Iniciativa de Evaluación Global (GEI).
Esta página temática es un trabajo en proceso. Estaremos compartiendo recursos y ejemplos adicionales aquí. Únase al Grupo de Discusión de Evaluación de la Huella Ecológica para añadir sugerencias de recursos u otras organizaciones y eventos pertinentes para la evaluación de la huella ecológica.

English version

Bibliographical information

  • Rowe, A., Davidson, E.J., Rogers, P. & Fraser, D. (2022). Evaluación de la huella ecológica. BetterEvaluation. (Obra original publicada en inglés como "Footprint Evaluation"). https://www.betterevaluation.org/es/methods-approaches/themes/evaluacion-de-la-huella-ecologica
Evaluation Capacity Development Latin America External Publications
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