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This section contains evaluation reports, evaluation syntheses, baseline reports, reviews, surveys and studies, policy briefs and publications by DEval employees.

1 result(s) found for your search.

Structured Funds. A Balancing Act between Financial Sustainability and Development Impact

  • Magdalena Orth-Rempel
  • Valerie Habbel
  • Johanna Richter
  • Dr Hanne Roggemann

Structured funds are designed to make it easier for private investors to invest in development interventions. DEval investigated how successful the funds are in achieving this, and whether they generate the desired development impact while being financially sustainable at the same time.

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Bibliographical information

  • Orth, M., V. Habbel, J. Richter and H. Roggemann (2020), Structured Funds. A Balancing Act between Financial Sustainability and Development Impact, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.
Instrumente und Strukturen der EZ Zusammenarbeit mit der Privatwirtschaft Berichte
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