Country Portfolio Reviews
With country portfolio reviews (CPRs) DEval has developed a tool to analyse the entire portfolio of bilateral German development cooperation in a partner country. In the CPR project, country portfolio reviews will be conducted for selected country portfolios. At the same time the tool will be further improved in order to strengthen the strategic management of bilateral development cooperation by Germany's Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
CPRs address strategic issues at the level of the portfolio as a whole, and provide independent and well-founded information on which to base strategy formation. By developing the CPR tool, the BMZ believes that DEval has made an important contribution toward developing the standards and instruments for reviewing German development cooperation.
Objectives of the Project
The project aims to strengthen the BMZ's strategic management of bilateral development cooperation. To do so it will provide independent and high-quality information obtained from CPRs to support the evidence-based design of country strategies aligned with the 2030 Agenda. The project will achieve this by setting up a CPR project unit, and developing processes and procedures for performing CPRs continuously and independently for the BMZ.
Between September 2017 and December 2018 DEval developed a tool for performing country portfolio reviews (CPRs) of German bilateral development cooperation. The report on this tool was published in 2019. By developing the CPR tool, the BMZ believes that DEval has made an important contribution toward developing the standards and instruments for reviewing German development cooperation.
Areas of Activity
Perform CPRs as a basis for preparing country strategies
The project's key line of action is to conduct CPRs to support strategy building processes in the BMZ's regional divisions. CPRs will be performed for countries where the country strategy is due to be redesigned or reviewed, or where the regional divisions concerned see a need for independent review of their country portfolios. The CPRs provide the regional divisions with key information for managing portfolios in line with the 2030 Agenda, as well as with options and recommendations for their future design. A CPR also serves as a basis for reflecting on how the country strategy is evolving.
By 31 December 2022 at least nine CPRs will be conducted in different country settings. These will provide the BMZ regional divisions with the basis on which to prepare new country strategies or refine existing ones, and to manage the respective country portfolios.
Continuously refine the CPR tool and develop approaches for CPRs in special country contexts
To make the CPRs even more useful and as responsive as possible to the regional divisions' specific needs, the CPR tool will be continuously refined and further developed in the course of project implementation. The tool for conducting CPRs developed by DEval encompasses methods and procedures that were developed and tested in two countries and that should be used in all CPRs. CPRs have yet to be applied and tested in countries where special framework conditions prevail, such as fragile countries in particular. Consequently, at least two of the nine CPRs planned will be conducted in special country contexts. In these settings, specific procedures and methods will be developed and tested that are designed for use in such country contexts. The existing CPR tool will then be further refined to incorporate these methods and procedures.
Generate findings to improve the development cooperation system at the cross-country level
In bilateral development cooperation, country portfolios are designed in the context of the German development cooperation system's strategic management directives and scope for action. It is envisaged that cross-country analyses of the CPRs conducted will identify structural challenges and potential for German bilateral development cooperation across different countries. It will then be possible to systematically analyse cross-country findings on the German development cooperation system and on management issues in the context of the 2030 Agenda, and make the findings available to the policy divisions and key decision-makers at the BMZ. Accordingly, the analyses will be provided as a basis for a meta-analysis as part of the DEval evaluation programme.
- Kirsten Vorwerk Senior-Evaluator - Team Leader
- Miriam - Team Leader Nikitka Evaluator
- Eva Zimmermann Former Project Administration: Country portfolio reviews in the context of the SDGs
- Dennis Busemann Former Evaluator
- Mirjana Köder Evaluator
Kirsten Vorwerk
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-971
Dr Stefan Leiderer
Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-940
- Die strategische Portfoliosteuerung in der bilateralen deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- Verfahrensleitlinie zur Durchführung von Länderportfolioreviews
- Country Portfolio Reviews. A Tool for Strategic Portfolio Analysis in German Development Cooperation
- Entwicklung von strategischen Analyseinstrumenten – ein Beispiel aus der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- Policy Brief: Länderportfolioreviews. Ein Analyseinstrument für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- Länderportfolioreviews. Ein Analyseinstrument für die deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit
- Policy Brief: Country Portfolio Reviews - A Tool for Strategic Portfolio Analysis in German Development Cooperation