Advancement of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Management

Research and advisory on developing an integrated system for monitoring, evaluation, and management in official bilateral development cooperation.


How can monitoring and evaluation be improved to provide a basis for informed decision-making by German development cooperation stakeholders? What can we learn from scientific literature and from other international organisations? And which existing innovations within German development cooperation organizations have the potential to improve results-based management?


The objective of the research and advisory project is to provide empirically based answers to these questions and thus contribute to a more integrated system for monitoring, evaluation and management in official bilateral development cooperation. In an integrated system, monitoring and evaluation provide information on the extent to which objectives have been achieved at project, programme and country level and enable adjustments to be made to increase the effectiveness of German development cooperation. However, previous DEval evaluations and reports (e.g. Amine et al., 2021a; Amine et al., 2021b; Hartmann et al., 2019; Krämer et al., 2021; Noltze et al., 2018) and for example studies, by the German Federal Court of Auditors and the OECD-DAC Peer Review for Germany have found that monitoring, evaluation, and management decisions are not yet adequately interlinked to meet this aspiration. 


Existing Challenges in the Current System of Monitoring, Evaluation, and Management

  1. The target system across the three management levels is often incomplete and not coherent - it often remains unclear how objectives at the level of modules are supposed to contribute to objectives at programme or country level.
  2. Information from monitoring and evaluation is not systematically requested and utilised in strategic and operational management.
  3. Monitoring systems at the level of country or regional strategies and at the programme level are inadequate; evaluation frameworks are currently being developed.
  4. Data and M&E systems of partner countries are rarely used for monitoring and evaluation.
  5. An integrated data management system across all levels is usually not in place.

Possible Solutions for Improved Result-based Management

To address the existing challenges and to contribute to an integrated system for monitoring, evaluation and management, the project team reviews scientific findings as well as experiences of other organisations and positive examples from German development cooperation. One focus is on improving the target system, which forms the basis for an interlinked M&E system across the three levels of management. In this context, particular attention will be paid to the role of results frameworks and intervention logics. In addition, the project team aims to develop suggestions of how learning from M&E among German development cooperation stakeholders and partners can be increased. When deriving ideas and solutions, the potential of changing data environments will be considered across thematic areas in the project.






Portrait Kathrin Wolf
© DEval

Dr Kathrin Wolf

Evaluator - Team Leader

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-949


[Translate to Englisch:] Portrait Martin Bruder
© DEval

Dr Martin Bruder

Head of Department: Civil Society, Human Rights

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-970


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