• Senior-Evaluator - Team Leader

Kirsten Vorwerk

© DEval

Kirsten Vorwerk has started her work as evaluator at DEval in October 2013. Before joining DEval she was evaluation manager at the Church Development Service (EED, now merged in Bread for the World) for a period of nine years. Within this position she was responsible for the management of programme and sector evaluations, quality assurance in the field of M&E and development of the EED evaluation system. In addition to that she worked several years as consultant and evaluator for BMZ and GTZ (now GIZ). In this context she took part in an ex-post evaluation of Regional Rural Development Programmes (RRD) in Africa and Asia and developed monitoring and evaluation tools in the field of Public Private Partnership (PPP). Kirsten Vorwerk holds a degree in Geography with particular focus on ecology and environmental management.

Key qualifications

Thematic focus

Working experience with governmental and non-governmental development organisations in the fields of monitoring, evaluation and impact assessment

Planning and coordination of programme and sector evaluations

Public Private Partnership (PPP)

Integrated rural development

Natural resources management



Regiona focus





Selected publications

Hartmann C., M. Sommer, K. Vorwerk und A. Zimmermann (2020), „Entwicklung von strategischen Analyseinstrumenten – ein Beispiel aus der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit“, Zeitschrift für Evaluation 19. Jahrgang 2020, Heft 1, S. 136-148.

Vorwerk, K. and E. Gohl (2010), „NGO-IDEAs Impact Toolbox“, Arbeitskreis Evaluation von Entwicklungspolitik in der DeGEval (ed.), Verfahren der Wirkungsanalyse, ein Handbuch für die entwicklungspolitische Praxis, Freiburger Beiträge zu Entwicklung und Politik, No. 36.

Vorwerk, K., C. Hartmann, F. Gaisbauer und Stefanie Krapp (2017), "Deutsche Entwicklungszusammenarbeit unter Einbindung der Privatwirtschaft: Evaluierung des develoPPP.de-Programms", Zeitschrift für Evaluation, Vol. 16/1, Münster, pp. 160-172,226-228.

Tekülve, M. and K. Vorwerk (2006), „BMZ legt weitere Ex-Post-Evaluation vor. Ländliche Regionalentwicklung: nachhaltig wirksam“, Eins Entwicklungspolitik, No. 3-4.

Meyer, L. and K. Vorwerk (2005), Sustainability of Regional Rural Development Programmes (RRD) - Synthesis Report of Four Country Case Studies, BMZ Evaluation Reports 003. [URL]


Portrait von Kirsten Vorwerk
© DEval

Kirsten Vorwerk

Senior-Evaluator - Team Leader

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-971

E-mail: kirsten.vorwerk@DEval.org

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