• Evaluator

Heike Steckhan

© DEval

Heike Steckhan has a diploma in psychology from the University of Bonn. She previously worked as an evaluator and researcher at the Center for Evaluation and Methods (ZEM), University of Bonn where she was responsible for several evaluations in the fields of development cooperation, education and foreign cultural and educational policy. Heike Steckhan was also deeply involved in the development, introduction and coordination of the postgraduate master program in evaluation at the University of Bonn. Between 2009 and 2015 she co-chaired the workgroup on “Training and Development in Evaluation” of the Evaluation Society DeGEval.

Key qualifications

Thematic focus

Design and realization of evaluations in the fields of development cooperation, education and foreign cultural and educational policy, empirical social research and statistics

Methodological focus

qualitative and quantitative research methods and data analysis, education and training in evaluation

Selected publications

Steckhan, H., T. Schwedersky, L. Ahrens & M. Bruder (2018), "Herausforderungen der menschenrechtsbasierten Evaluierung von politischen Strategiepapieren: Das Beispiel der Evaluierung des 'Aktionsplans zur Inklusion von Menschen mit Behinderungen' des BMZ" , Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 17(1), S. 108-129.

Ahrens, L., T. Schwedersky & H. Steckhan (2017), Wie gelingt Mainstreaming von Inklusion in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit?, DEval Policy Brief 4/2017, Deutsches Evaluierungsinstitut der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (DE-val), Bonn.

Amine, M., H. Steckhan, S. Silvestrini (2016), Baseline Report for the German-Myanmar Programme on Sustainable Economic Development, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn.

Steckhan, H., Wahlers, K., Heidemann, K. (2008), "Wege zur Professionalisierung: Masterstudiengang Evaluation", Zeitschrift für Evaluation, Vol. 7, No. 2, S.303-307.

Heidemann, K., Steckhan, H., Rietz, C. (2007), Erfolg von Auslandseinsätzen: Neue Beurteilungsansätze, Bonn.


Portrait von Heike Steckhan
© DEval

Heike Steckhan


Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-962

E-mail: heike.steckhan@DEval.org

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