• Evaluator - Team Leader

Dr Wiebke Stein

Portrait von Wiebke Stein © DEval

Dr Wiebke Stein started working as an evaluator for the DEval in May 2022. She studied economics (BSc) in Hannover and Bristol and holds a Master’s Degree in International Development Studies (MSc) from the University of Amsterdam. Afterwards she obtained a PhD in Economics with a focus on development economics from the University of Hannover (Dr. rer. pol.). During her PhD, she worked within a large-scale government funded research project that focuses on poverty dynamics and sustainable development in Southeast Asia: the Thailand Vietnam Socio Economic Panel (TVSEP). She regularly participated in large quantitative surveys in Thailand and Vietnam. Additionally, she conducted a survey and a lab-in-the-field experiment in Thailand on the financial behavior of vulnerable households. Her research focuses on the effects of floods on subjective well-being, financial behavior among vulnerable households, and the importance of non-cognitive skills for occupational outcomes in rural areas in Southeast Asia. Dr. Stein gathered practical experience in development cooperation during several research stays in Southeast Asia and the Caribbean and by working as a consultant for the World Bank.

Key Qualifications

Thematic focus

Poverty dynamics
Financial behaviour of vulnerable households
Social protection
Personality traits
Subjective well-being

Methodological focus

Qualitative and quantitative data analysis
Experience in leading large quantitative research projects in low- and middle-income countries
(Quasi)-experimental study designs, including lab-in-the-field experiments

Regional focus

Southeast Asia
The Pacific

Selected Publications

Bühler, D., Sharma, R. & W. Stein (2023): „The Big Five Model in Rural Southeast Asia: Validation, Stability, and its Role in Household Income, Journal of Personality, Vol. 91, No. 6, pp. 1364-1380.

Stein, W. & K. Parsons (2023): „Social Protection in Times of Need: Elderly Benefit and Disability Scheme Top-ups in the Aftermath of Tropical Cyclone Gita in Tonga, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

Stein, W., Parsons, K., & K. Petrou (2022): „Towards Adaptive Social Protection in Vanuatu: Lessons from a Humanitarian Cash Transfer Program in Sanma Province in Response to TC Harold and COVID-19”, Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.

Stein, W. & R. Weisser (2022): „Observing Traumatic Events: Indirect Effects of Flood Shocks on Well-being and Preferences”, World Bank Economic Review, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 909–933.

Bühler, D., Sharma, R. & Stein, W. (2020): “Occupational Attainment and Earnings in Southeast Asia: The Role of Non-cognitive Skills.”, Labour Economics (67).

Klühs, T. Koch, M. & Stein, W. (2020): “Household over-indebtedness is related to high income expectations and eased lending.” [published in German], DIW Weekly Report 11/2020, pp. 175-181.

Klühs, T. Koch, M. & Stein, W. (2020): „In the debt trap.“ [published in German], Makronom Online Magazine.


© DEval

Dr Wiebke Stein

Evaluator - Team Leader

Phone: +49 228-336907-976

E-mail: wiebke.stein@DEval.org

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