• Senior Evaluator - Team Leader

Dr Angela Heucher

© DEval

Angela Heucher began working as an evaluator at DEval in 2019. Before, she was a research associate at the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700 “Governance in Areas of Limited Statehood“, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and situated at Free University Berlin and University of Potsdam. As a research associate, she investigated how international organizations perceive diverse country contexts, which opportunities and challenges they see, and how they respond. In this context, she conducted field work in West Africa (Côte d’Ivoire, Niger and Sierra Leone) and at international organizations‘ headquarters. In her doctoral dissertation, she analyzed how international organizations perceive developments in the organizational field of food security governance, e.g. overlap and fragmentation, and which strategies they develop. Angela Heucher holds a BA in social sciences from Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf and an MA in political science from Freie Universität Berlin.

Key qualifications

Thematic focus

International organizations and the United Nations system

Areas of limited statehood and fragile contexts

Methodological focus

Qualitative methods of data collection and analysis, in particular expert interviews and qualitative content analysis

Regionaler Schwerpunkt



Selected Publications

Brüntrup-Seidemann, S., Heucher, A., Gantner, V. & Bruder M. (2024), Die Verankerung von Gender-Mainstreaming in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit: eine theoriebasierte Prozessevaluierung. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 23(1), 111-125.

Schmidt, M., Polak, J. T., Heucher, A., Smidt, L., & Taube, L. (2024), Kann Entwicklungszusammenarbeit Menschenrechte stärken? Ergebnisse der Evaluierung des Menschenrechtsansatzes in der Privatsektor- und Finanzsystemevaluierung. Zeitschrift für Menschenrechte17(2), 132-152.

Heucher, A. (2019), “Position in the Organizational Field Matters: Analyzing International Organizations’ Perceptions and Responses in Global Food Security Governance”, Journal of International Organizations Studies, 10(1), 69-90.

Heucher, A. (2019) “Reconsidering overlap in global food security governance”, Food Security, 11, 555–558.

Heucher, A. (2019), “Evolving order? Inter-organizational relations in the organizational field of food security governance in Côte d’Ivoire“, Forum for Development Studies, 46(3), 501–526.

Heucher, A., Liese, A., Schettler, L. (2018), “Methodischer Anspruch trifft Organisationale Wirklichkeit: Interviewführung in internationalen Organisationen“, Zeitschrift für Internationale Beziehungen, Vol. 25/1, pp. 199-210.

Schettler, L., Heucher, A., Liese, A. (2018), “International organizations‘ modes of governance. The case of food security“, SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, No. 73, Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700, Berlin.

Heucher, A., Linke-Behrens, L., Schettler, L. (2017), “Measuring statehood on a sub-national level: A dialogue among methods“, SFB-Governance Working Paper Series, No. 71, Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 700, Berlin.

Wieck, C., Rudloff, B., Heucher, A. (2014), “Agri-investments and public spending in selected vulnerable countries – Will they contribute to reduce food insecurity?“, Agricultural and Resource Economics Discussion Paper, 2014:1.


Portrait von Dr. Angela Heucher
© DEval

Dr Angela Heucher

Senior Evaluator - Team Leader, Gender Equality Officer

Phone: +49 (0)228 336907-938

E-mail: angela.heucher@DEval.org

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