• Bonn

New Evaluations on Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Decentralisation in Africa

Annual update of DEval’s Evaluation Programme

Ein Kind fährt Fahrrad zwischen Kriegsruinen
© ART Production / Shutterstock

The evaluations to be carried out by DEval are set out in a multi-year evaluation programme which is updated annually. The programme for 2022-2024 has now been finalised. In addition to the evaluations from previous annual Evaluation Programmes which are already ongoing or due to begin shortly, six new evaluations are planned. Following on from its past evaluations on adaptation to climate change, DEval will carry out a study on the question, “To what extent has German development cooperation made effective contributions to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries?” Other evaluations are planned to address such themes as “BMZ Support for Voluntary Return and Reintegration” and the “Effectiveness of Decentralisation Projects in Africa”.

Conclusion of the thematic focus “Fragile states, peacebuilding and conflict prevention”

DEval concludes each of its thematic focuses with a Focus Report. DEval has carried out a series of evaluations on the thematic focus “Fragile states, peacebuilding and conflict prevention” in recent years. These include evaluations on gender equality in post-conflict contexts, the effectiveness of the “Partnership for Prospects Initiative in the Middle East”, and German development cooperation in fragile contexts. Its planned final report will reflect on the findings from these evaluations and present them to a wide audience working in the field.

Drawing up the Evaluation Programme

The DEval Evaluation Programme is drawn up within a consultation process, in which evaluation proposals are requested from the BMZ and members of the DEval Advisory Board. The Advisory Board consists of representatives of all party groupings in the German Bundestag as well as academia, civil society and the implementing organisations of German development cooperation. Their proposals are supplemented with DEval’s own ideas for evaluations. New evaluations are selected on the basis of defined criteria such as the political importance of the evaluation topic or the availability of evidence in that area. For more information on the selection criteria and a full listing of  evaluations in the new programme, please see the Evaluation Programme below.

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