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Policy Brief: Learning from Germany´s Civil Engagement in Afghanistan

  • Christoph Hartmann
  • Maren Weeger
  • Dr. Anne Lange
  • Dr. Katja Mielke

Given the large number of crises and conficts worldwide, it is important to learn from past and current engagements in fragile contexts in order to make positive results replicable and avoid mistakes. The fndings of the joint ministerial evaluation of the German government's civil engagement in Afghanistan demonstrate what can be learned from this engagement, which was unprecedented both fnancially and in terms of human resources. These lessons can be applied in future operations in highly fragile contexts affected by violent confict. This policy brief presents key findings and recommendations of this joint ministerial evaluation.

Bibliographische Angaben

  • Hartmann, C., M. Weeger, A. Lange and K. Mielke (2024), Learning from Germany´s Civil Engagement in Afghanistan, DEval Policy Brief 3/2024, German Institute for Development Evaluation (DEval), Bonn and German Police University (DHPol), Münster.
 Barrierefrei Instrumente und Strukturen der EZ Fragilität und Konflikt Afghanistan Policy Briefs
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